proud of youth-helleniq energy

Corporate Responsibility

Within our framework of Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility actions, we undertake initiatives that serve essential needs and are distinguished by responsibility, self-commitment and empathy towards the whole of society, both locally and nationally. Taking into account our Sustainable Development strategic priorities and having identified our areas of action, we have designed a comprehensive and multifaceted Corporate Responsibility program. Considering the needs of our stakeholders, our aim is to promote social well-being by creating value for the economy, protecting the environment and responding immediately to emergencies. Our actions are designed by thematic category and implemented in Greece and abroad, at national and local levels, highlighting the extent of our commitment to society.

Proud of Youth

HELLENiQ ENERGY rewards Excellence for another year yet.
HELLENiQ ENERGY, within the framework of the "Proud of Youth" Program, has completed the 15th round of awards to excelling graduates of General and Vocational High Schools, who live in the neighboring areas of the Municipality of Thriassio, Western Thessaloniki and Western Macedonia. 360 excelling graduates, who managed to achieve their admission to higher education through the process of the 2023 Panhellenic Examinations, were awarded this year.

Education Initiatives

Society Initiatives

Environment Initiatives

Culture and Sports Initiatives

Employee Volunteering

Τελευταίες Δράσεις Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας

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