plant in a meeting room

Corporate Governance & Transparency

We apply a holistic and adjustable corporate governance system by adopting best international corporate governance practices, in addition to those required by the applicable legislation. Our objective is to ensure the proper functioning of the Board of Directors and sound communication with shareholders and stakeholders, for all the sustainable development issues, the progress of the ESG indicators and the creation of value in the long term.

meeting room

Linking variable remuneration to ESG indicators

We have established, maintained and applied basic principles and rules regarding the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors (‘Remuneration Policy’) that contribute to its business strategy, long-term interests and sustainability. In this framework, we have linked the variable remuneration of the majority of our employees, our executives holding managerial positions and our BoD members with the achievement of specific ESG goals.

Business Ethics, Compliance and Transparency

We strictly adhere to the principles of healthy competition and demonstrate zero tolerance to incidents of corruption, while consistently adopting the strictest standards of Regulatory Compliance, always meeting the highest levels of corporate responsibility.

This way, we strengthen our commercial position, consolidate our reputation and foster a climate of trust and security between the company and its stakeholders.

The Code of Conduct sets out the principles that govern our activities in Greece and abroad, and determines the way in which we operate, in order to achieve our business objectives, with the ultimate aim of ensuring our sustainable growth. The Code of Conduct is binding for all employees of the Group in Greece and abroad, as well as any third party or body in their transactions with the Group. 

connecting dots

Information and Systems Security

We are committed to managing personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, Greek legislation, and best practices, as specified in our Group-wide Personal Data Protection Policy. In the field of information security, we emphasize the importance of cybersecurity for the safe operation of our facilities and our digital transformation, complying with the NIS Directive and national legislation. Our Group's information security program is designed to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber threats. 

Personal Data Protection

Corporate Governance