Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 15th June 2023

HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings S.A. (the “Company”) announces that the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company was held on 15th June 2023 at 12.00 hours in a hybrid manner, i.e. with the physical presence of shareholders at the Company’s premises at Aspropyrgos (17th km of Athens-Corinth National Road) or by attending and exercise of their voting rights remotely, either via a real time teleconference or by submitting prior to the date of the General Meeting a postal vote form, in person or by proxy. 

In the said meeting, 203 shareholders, representing 269,897,866 common registered shares and voting rights, out of a total of 305,635,185 common registered shares, i.e. 88.31% of the paid up share capital, participated or were legally represented.

The Annual General Meeting adopted the following resolutions on the items of the agenda:


ITEM 1: Approved the Board of Directors’ and the Auditors’ Reports for the financial year 2022

Total number of shares for which valid votes were casted/ total number of valid votes:  269,897,866 corresponding to 100% of the share capital represented.

Number of votes
in favor: 269,548,304 
against: 0
abstained: 349,562


ITEM 2: Approved the Financial Statements of the Company and the Consolidated Financial Statements, according to the International Financial Reporting Standards, together with the relevant independent auditors’ reports for the financial year 2022

Total number of shares for which valid votes were casted/ total number of valid votes:  269,897,866 corresponding to 100% of the share capital represented.

Number of votes
in favor: 269,548,304 
abstained: 349,562


ITEM 3: Approved the distribution of profit for the financial year 2022

Total number of shares for which valid votes were casted/ total number of valid votes:  269,897,866 corresponding to 100% of the share capital represented.

Number of votes
in favor: 269,871,524 
against: 0
abstained: 26,342


ITEM 4: Approved the distribution of dividend for the financial year 2022

Ex-dividend: Wednesday 28th June 2023

Record date: Thursday 29th June 2023

Commencement of dividend payment: Wednesday 5th July 2023.

Total number of shares for which valid votes were casted/ total number of valid votes:  269,897,866 corresponding to 100% of the share capital represented.

Number of votes
in favor: 269,871,524 
against: 0
abstained: 26,342


ITEM 5: Approved the Remuneration Report of the members of the Board of Directors for the financial year 2022, in accordance with Article 112 par. 3 of Law 4548/2018

Total number of shares for which valid votes were casted/ total number of valid votes:  269,897,866 corresponding to 100% of the share capital represented.

Number of votes
in favor: 263,619,782 
against: 6,251,742 
abstained: 26,342


ITEM 6: Annual Report from the Chairperson of the Audit Committee on the activities of the Audit Committee for the financial year 2022

The Annual Report of the Audit Committee on its activities for the financial year 2022 was submitted to the Annual General Meeting according to the provisions of article 44 par.1 (i) of law 4449/2017.


ITEM 7: Report of the independent non-executive members of the Board of Directors to the General Meeting.

The report on the activities of the Independent Non-Executive members of the Board of Directors for the period 01.01.2022- 18.05.2023 was submitted to the Annual General Meeting according to the provisions of article 9 par. 5 of law 4706/2020.


ITEM 8: Approved the overall management by the Board of Directors for the financial year 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2022 in accordance with article 108 of Law 4548/2018 and  discharged the Auditors from any liability for indemnity for the financial year 2022

Total number of shares for which valid votes were casted/ total number of valid votes:  269,897,866 corresponding to 100% of the share capital represented.

Number of votes
in favor: 268,970,764 
against: 577,540 
abstained: 349,562


ITEM 9: Elected certified auditors “ERNST & YOUNG (HELLAS) CERTIFIED AUDITORS ACCOUNTANTS S.A.” to undertake the audit of the Company for the financial year 2023 and determined their remuneration.

Total number of shares for which valid votes were casted/ total number of valid votes:  269,897,866 corresponding to 100% of the share capital represented.

Number of votes
in favor: 262,837,634 
against: 6,533,266 
abstained: 526,966