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FYROM Customs Authorities decision for OKTA AD-Skopje

On October 18th, 2012 Hellenic Petroleum subsidiary, OKTA AD-Skopje, was unpleasantly surprised to be informed of FYROM Customs Authorities decision, regarding the revocation of the oil derivatives simplified import - export procedure license.

Such a decision is based on unfounded accusations; therefore it is regarded unfair and detrimental, considerably impeding the smooth provision of oil products in the markets of FYROM and Kosovo.
The arguments used were completely unsubstantiated; therefore OKTA reserves all administrative and legal rights to reject the accusations addressed.

Despite the fact that such a decision raises numerous obstacles and extensive delays in the import procedure, OKTA makes every possible effort to secure the uninterrupted market supply.

OKTA is the largest industrial and commercial company in FYROM, with an annual turnover amounting €650.000.000. It supplies approximately 900.000MT of fuel annually, covering a large chunk of the local and Kosovo oil markets. Besides the significant investments, surpassing €80.000.000 in recent years, the company also presents wide and multifaceted social responsibility activities, including the provision of 675 job positions locally.